Thursday 10 January 2008

On the BBC

Scarilly, I'm featured on BBC Dorset's homepage today... something of a surprise! I say scary because of the picture of me on there... another heart would have looked nicer!
This is the link if you'd like to see it: a slight mis-quote, as I don't think I'd ever use the words 'keen eye', but never mind!

The picture above is the full version of the heart they've shown - taken in Paris way back in 2005, the sun setting behind the Tour Eiffel... so romantic, and a nice reflection of the Plane Tree bark in the clouds behind the silhouette, don't you think? It always amazes me how things like that present themselves. I always photograph the 'landscape' part of the picture within a few minutes and within site of the heart - that's probably Rule #1, and there's always something there that can be read as symbolism, visual allegory or simply as vsiually pleasing - beautiful is the word I liketo use, even when the content may seem ugly.

Ah, the BBC, eh! Fame at last!

1 comment:

Dave B said...

Checked you out on the BBC Darzet website. Didn't recognise the moody pin up artist though. Good idea to use a stand in. Great exposure though. Will tell all my friends.....damn it, note to self, get more friends.