Wednesday 13 August 2008

A Wet Week In Wales

Just returned from a wet weekend on the Welsh borders. To be fair, a lot of the wet was in England, but it was coming at us from the west, so there we go. We camped in the Forest of Dean on the way up, myself, Vick, 2 kids and the dog all in one tent - cosy! This image was taken at Symond's Yat, one of the area's honeypot destinations, and something of a disappointment. That's the curse of the honeypot destination - everyone goes expecting something fantastic, when actually it's just pleasant. Suprisingly good coffee at the cafe, though (picture to follow) and two hearts on the footbridge to the rock.

The picture above let me repeat one of my perpetual favourites - a road toward brightness. I always feel spiritual when I take a shot like this, and wonder whether I should take up religion, then good sense returns and I remember my skepticism. One day, I'll walk towards the light and see what's round the corner... in this case I know it to be a steep descent towards the Saracen's Head - a pub, of course.

I've mentioned before my love of serendipity - and here's another example. Also on the bridge, another (rather lovely) heart, and just around the corner, a bag of shite. Read into this what you will about love, but to me this is evidence that dog does indeed move in mysterious ways.

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