This was taken alongside the Hudson on November 1st last year, just 3 days before that historic vote, and I put it here now because at the time it amused me that the Obama / Biden sticker was on a bin and I remember thinking 'I hope he's not going to be rubbish...'. I'm thinking that today too, though I'm not sure exactly how I expect a politician (which is what he is, although so many of us would like him to be more) not to be rubbish. They all end up disappointing us in one way or another, at least they do once they get a taste of power.
I've decided that the P + P on the tree stands for Peace & Progress, though I imagine it's more likely to be Peter & Patricia or something. And Progress, I should stress, is not the unsustainable capitalist Progress of the past, with its emphasis on technology, industry & constant financial growth. I long for Post Peak-Oil Progress, sustainable localism with a global understanding... not much, then!
Here's a map - do check these because you get to 'walk with me' in Manhattan! Actually, here the Street View runs out just beyond where the heart and bin were, but if you look towards the river, it was just to the left of the columns...
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