I saw loads of hearts after dark, but this was the only one worth wedging myself against a lamp post to be steady enough for. It's probably an old advert for something as it was right outside a CVS Pharmacy and opposite Kenny's Castaways (which by the power of Google I've just realised I missed a treat at), but I like to think it might be street art. Lots of people were walking by and on it, and so I went for moving feet. I wanted something like that famous surrealist photograph of a single foot walking by (the name of who took it escapes me, but I'll look it up and get back to you), but I'm happy with a blue-toed sock in a sandal. It really was very dark, and if you look closely you'll see the digital noise in the areas of shadow. Noise is good, and it suits the sound of the city.
It's difficult in a much-photographed city not to resort to cliche, and so I did. The white-light man on the crossing display was too lovely to miss, and he's accompanied us arround the city so far, so I took his picture.
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