Thursday, 29 May 2008

New Favourite!

PhwaRR! I love this one - taken recently in London, close to the British Museum. As if the lovebugs weren't enough, the painted out wine sign is just beautiful. There was lots to photograph near this heart, but I got what I wanted here - I was trying to capture something that put me in mind of Howard Hodgkin, or Rothko, or Hodgkin does Rothko over Wine. Now that would be a thing.

Speaking of a thing, we're now a few days into Dorset Art Week. Had about a hundred people through so far, mostly to the preview and party, of course, but a good response to the work. I should have written down some of the wine induced comments, as they were more positive (and suprised at the display) than I imagined!

I'll post some pictures of the show in-situ in the next couple of days.

Tuesday, 20 May 2008

Dorset Art Weeks Imminent...

Eek! It's nearly here - starts on Saturday, 10am. It doesn't seem to matter how orgtanised you try to be months in advance, you still have sooooooooooo much to do in the last few days... still, as another print pops out of the printer, I can feel safe in the knowledge that I'm one print closer to being ready.

Just got to hang it.

I've got 100 small prints on the wall (literally), about a dozen large prints to see, plus a selection of Purbeck Alphabet pictures, and a whole load of prints in a browser, if the browser turns up. And cards, and fridge magnets, and stuff.

What I'm printing right now is some b/w stuff for the show at California Barn, which I'm beginning to wish I wasn't involved in as it's a lot of extra work, but it will be worth it come saturday, when it's done! They're shots from the quarry near St Aldhem's Head, bit different to my arty farty hearty obsession... good fun, though, both.

More on DAW at - look me up!

PS: the pic above is from the underpass in the Asda roundabout in Bournemouth - smells of urine, full of litter, lost foreign students and alcoholics who look like they'd stab you if they could stand up. Bournemouth, Asda or the underpass? What do you think?!