i don't do the graffiti, by the way, i just record it. usually the landscape on the right is more landscapey, but it is there to describe the location/situation, so might be an interior or an urban scene, or anything that puts the heart in context.
i've only spoken to a few graffiti artists about what i do, and i know some will be put out at having their art recorded and made into a piece of interior art. one guy asked me what gave me the right to photograph someone else's art and 'frame' it as my own. well, firstly, their art is often vandalism of a public space, so ownership is questionable, though i'd respect the right of any artist to ask me to withdraw a piece. secondly, as a photographer, anything i photograph becomes my image as a result of the way i compose the picture and by the very fact that i chose to compose the picture. if this were hung on my wall and another photographer were to photograph my wall and publish it, apart from the issue of it being a private space that they've photographed, i believe that the artwork is the their own... if anyone ever reads this, comments are welcome!